Reasons Why Your Website Needs SEO

How many times have you been told “Google It” when you ask someone a question? Probably much more often than not. It’s like we’ve started to associate asking questions with going to Google and typing the question. And all of the people who are doing these searches are...

How many times have you been told “Google It” when you ask someone a question? Probably much more often than not. It’s like we’ve started to associate asking questions with going to Google and typing the question. And all of the people who are doing these searches are more than likely your customers! There’s a multitude of reasons why your website needs SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and here we will be covering just some of the main reasons why.

Convincing Click on Page One

Let’s start with the obvious one. You want to make sure that your prospective customers have a way of finding you and ultimately, convince them to choose you. It’s not enough to build a website and not optimize it for SEO because you won’t be able to stand out amongst the vast sea of websites ranking for your target keywords. To fully succeed in the SEO game, you need to make sure that your customers can find your result on the highly prominent page one and that you convince them to click on your page result.

It’s UNPAID Traffic

The more you implement SEO on your website consistently, the more Organic Search traffic you’ll get as time goes by! This traffic is completely unpaid and is everything you see below the typical ad results at the top of a search result. It might take a couple of months to see the increase in traffic but once it picks up, you’ll soon start to see a consistent traffic flow from it if you continuously SEO your website of course.

Everyone Goes to Search Engines

Going back to the point we made in the first paragraph. Most people tend to go to a search engine to ask questions, research product/service information, and/or make a purchase. If this is all happening, wouldn’t you want more of your page results to show up? Your website content and blog posts can help you achieve this if done in the correct matter. 

Great User Experience

If your website is SEO-friendly then that usually means that you’re also providing a great user experience to your visitors. Google places so much value in making sure that most of the results that show up on page one are ones that people will enjoy visiting. Once and a while you might find some pages that might not seem like they deserve to be on page one but once a better website comes along it’ll likely make it to page one if that’s the case.

Voice Search is the Future

Moving forward into the new year, 2020, voice search continues to be on the rise and doesn’t seem to be stopping. This means that if you don’t work on your website’s SEO, you’ll miss out on having your result appear on Google’s famous “featured snippet”.

What is a “featured snippet”?

The featured snippet in layman terms is the box that Google shows you most of the time when you do a search at the top of the page. It’s typically used to answer a question immediately and is what your voice command device will be responding to you with. It’s also sometimes known as “Position Zero” and most of the time will be a result that appears somewhere on the first page of the search result as well. That means that you’re getting your page to show up twice on the result and who wouldn’t want that, especially for a competitive keyword? 

Update SEO Tactics

If your website has ever undergone SEO maintenance, there’s a good chance that it contains  outdated SEO tactics that can or might already be hurting your website. It’s important that your website is continuously following best practices because there are things that used to work so many years ago that would today greatly hurt your website in search results (keyword stuffing is a perfect example of this). In addition to being up-to-date on SEO, if your competitors are not working on their SEO as much or at all, it’ll help you have an advantage over them. 

SEO is something that you should be taking a look at for your business website as soon as possible if you’re not already. If you need help managing your website’s SEO, our digital marketing experts have years of SEO knowledge and can help you increase your visibility on search engine results.



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